Without a doubt, an email drip campaign is an effective concept that allows users to engage with audiences at different intervals using emails.
But as the email open and engagement rate is sliding year after year, business professionals need a concrete solution for engagement.
This is where SMS Drip campaigns fit the bill, helping businesses with high open and engagement rates.
Firms can run well-defined SMS drip campaigns and schedule messages to go out at a specific time for meaningful conversations and a better engagement rate.
Here are a few foolproof tips to help you build effective SMS drip campaigns.
Tips for Creating an Effective SMS Drip Campaign
There are several stages where you can count on drip campaigns for automation and put business interactions on auto-mode to save time and effort.
You can automate a sequence of messages at various intervals to interact with audiences meaningfully.
Here are a few tips worth considering while creating a drip campaign.
Customer's Journey Should be Top of Your Mind
Every customer is unique and shares a different journey with a brand.
So, never create one SMS drip campaign for all customers.
Always keep your customer's journey in mind to create an effective SMS campaign.
Potential customers can be at different stages of the sales funnel. These stages include the lead nurturing stage, buying stage, repeat purchase stage, etc.
Besides, some customers may have approached your brand after watching an advertisement, while some may have approached you through social media.
So, drip campaigns cannot be the same for all customers.
Pre-decide What you Want to Achieve
Using an SMS drip campaign for automation without deciding the goal you want to achieve is one of the biggest mistakes that hamper the effectiveness of drip campaigns.
Always pre-decide the purpose of running an SMS drip campaign and what goal you want to achieve.
This would help to create a more relevant campaign and include an effective CTA to drive intended actions.
Personalization Makes Drip Campaigns More Effective
Personalization of text messages is a vital factor you can't afford to miss while using a drip campaign for automation.
Generic text messages often miss a personal touch, and people are less likely to engage with such text messages.
So, always personalize text messages while scheduling SMS in a drip campaign. To do so, you can use 'Merge fields'.
Value Proposition is Must
It doesn't matter how many texts you send to your audiences until they don't add any value to them.
So, while running an SMS drip campaign, try to deliver some value with each text. This would help you keep your audiences engaged.
One of the best ways to make a text message valuable is by adding an exclusive offer or an irresistible deal.
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